Mufasa's Pride: The pride of my father, men mentoring boys

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What boy doesn't want to be the pride of his father?  Unfortunately not everyone has that option. So a group of men is stepping in to pick up where some dads leave off.
There is no handbook, but thanks to "Mufasa's Pride" there is a hand young men can hold as they head into manhood. 

“We mentor boys ages 12 to 17.  We started it as a way to give young men a blueprint for manhood. There's not one out there,” says Mufasa’s Pride Executive Director Hondre Outley. 

The non-profit group gathers every other Saturday at The Fountain of Life Center. 

“We teach them God has a purpose for you and He created you with that purpose in mind,” adds Outley.  

“This is my sixth year.  I was the youngest in the program when it first started.  Now I'm one of the oldest.  So you could say I love it,” smiles 16-year-old Miles Pierre-Lacey.

As part of the program the youngsters take part in deep discussions about everything from current events to viral videos to conversations about death and loss.

”To my little sister Mariah Janae White,” one young man stands up and tells a story about losing his sister.

”It makes me feel like I'm not alone in this world. There are good people and good men trying to do something with their lives as well as teach other young men,” says 18-year-old Keven Morris.

“I never really had a father in my life.  They're not pretending to be your father but they're just showing you how to be a man,” adds Pierre-Lacey. 

“When they complete high school we fund them with a $1,000 scholarship if they go to a four year university,” explains Outley.  Mufasa's Pride has former members in college across the country.  The program also promotes respect and takes the boys on trips.

“It challenges us and it keeps us involved in the community.  It overall makes you a better person,” says Pierre-Lacey. 

“So I can be a better role model to my family and a positive example to my community and to everyone around me,” says Morris.

“It's easier for you to do the right thing when you have a positive example right in front of you,” Pierre Lacey adds.

Mufasa's Pride accepts new members once a year.  Go to their website for more information

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