Gun reform advocates push bills for 2021 legislation - What's Your Point?


Houston and other Texas cities have endured a record number of gun-related homicides and 2020 has seen a record-shattering number of firearms sold here and across the country.

Pushing any new gun restrictions through a Republican-controlled legislature will be a very, very tall order.
Then again, Texas is the ground where gunmen in Santa Fe, Midland, El Paso, and Sutherland Springs collectively massacred 67 people.
The trauma inflicted and the fear of future acts of gun violence has inspired reform advocates to make their case, despite the odds.

This week's panel, Mark Jones, Rice University political analyst, Sue Lovell, former Houston City Councilmember, Charles Blain, founder of Urban reform, Bill King, businessman and columnist, Jasper Scherer, Houston Chronicle political reporter join host Greg Groogan to talk about the possibility of gun control legislation in Texas in 2021.

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