U.S. Democrats looking for a new leader

New blood, new leadership. With their approval ratings dipping to historic lows, National Democrats seem desperate to dig into their "farm system" and uncover a rising start to elevate. At least the democrats don't seem too interested in calling up a certain county judge from "the minors."

Cruz pledges to punish Republicans who vote against school choice

As if House Republicans opposed to school choice didn't have enough on their hands. With Governor Greg Abbott looking to claim their political scalp. Now, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is very publicly vowing a scorched earth primary vendetta against any GOP member seeking to torpedo the effort to fund private education with public dollars.

Texas Democrats on bond reform

Houston Democrat State Representative Ann Johnson, who voted against bond reform last session, trying to convince Texans it's not really needed now, or at least not the version put forward by SJR five and its House companion HJR 15. It certainly appears Johnson and her allies are disregarding and discounting the pleas of Houston crime victims, insisting they know better.

Houston-area crime victims demanding bond reform

It never gets easier. It never gets less disturbing to hear the life-long anguish of Houstonians who've had their loved one slaughtered by predators. Criminals who should have been kept in jail, but who were cut loose on bond or parole instead. Survivors did not sugar coat their testimony to lawmakers or the people of Texas.

TX Senate passes bill to ban THC products

State Senator Charles Perry assessing insidious synthetic THC products sold legally over the counter in the Lone Star State Commerce, which has exploded into an $8 billion business in just three years, citing an industry which has refused to "self-regulate and a mounting number of human casualties." Perry's Senate Bill three bans the sale of all THC products for the foreseeable future, a prospect which will likely wipe out thousands of smoke shops across the state of Texas.

TX Senate passes several GOP priority bills

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick hammered Republican priority measures through the chamber. He leads a full two and a half months before the sessions scheduled completion, which means the pressure is squarely on the shoulders of House Speaker Dustin Burrows and his Republican majority. To get all of them across the finish line and to the Governor's desk.

D.A. Teare says he's unlikely to prosecute criminal trespassing

Harris County District Attorney Sean Teare, discussing his reluctance to prosecute criminal trespass cases and his intention of collaborating on a "civil commitment strategy" during which defendants would be subject to an emergency detention order and agree to 90 days of comprehensive treatment,

City of Houston offering retirement payout to eligible employees

Houston Mayor John Whitmire, taking a very concrete step toward closing the city's budget gap by offering buyouts to nearly 3,000 city employees. Whitmire tells FOX 26 that Houston has more municipal workers per capita than any comparable city in the country.

Russia-Ukraine latest | What's Your Point?

President Trump has threatened sanctions on Russia until peace is reached with Ukraine. This comes just days after an explosive meeting between the president and Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The What's Your Panel talks about the latest from overseas.

Rep. Green's removal, censure | What's Your Point?

Rep. Al Green (D-Houston) made national headlines when he was removed from the House chamber for disrupting President Trump's joint address to Congress. The What's Your Point panel talks about Green's decision and the move to censure the Houston representative.