A look at Dr. Terry Grier's career

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Dr. Terry Grier arrived in Houston to lead the 7th largest school district in 2008.  His 6 year tenure has had its share of ups and downs...

On his own biography he boasts how his administration has increased HISD's graduation rate to an all-time high while dropout rates have been reduced by more than 50 percent.

Dr. Grier says HISD's Class of 2014 attracted record offers of scholarships and financial aid exceeding $250 million.

But there were the controversies like the 2012 bond election where voters agreed to allow the district to spend nearly two billion dollars to replace and repair 40 schools in the districts.

Many parents and community leaders became very upset after they eventually learned some schools in their communities were either not included in renovation plans, were dropped, or torn down.

There's also the cheating scandal of 2015 where FOX 26 documented case after case of grade changing in the district all on Dr. Grier's watch.

Despite some bumpy roads Grier was also named Superintendent of the year in 2014 and took lots of pride in his Apollo 20 program which was designed to turn around failing schools in the district.

The superintendent was also instrumental in starting the movement to get rid of what he considered offensive mascots in area schools.

When all is said and done Grier is a man who describes himself as a leader who played a significant role in improving grades and morale at HISD....Will history agree with that?  Time and the staff will surely tell.
