Turkey Leg Hut's numerous health code violations detailed

Turkey Leg Hut has had numerous health code violations in 2019, according to Houston Health Department records.

  • September 2019 - Food in hot storage not being kept at recommended safe temperatures. Surfaces near food not graded to prevent pooling.
  • August 2019 - Moist cloths for wiping food spills not kept in sanitary condition, hand washing sink not accessible to employees at all times, outside openings not protected against the entrance of insects, employees not using proper methods to rapidly cool food,  waste containers outside do not have tight-fitting lids
  • July 2019 - Health code Citation for threatening to introduce, introducing or causing to be introduced any discharge other than stormwater into the municipal storm sewer system.
  • June 2019 - failure to have a temporary permit to cook outside during renovation
  • May 2019 - Automatic detergent dispensers not operating, waste containers outside do not have tight-fitting lids
  • April 2019 - Hand-washing sink not accessible to employees at all times, mobile food unit operator no valid servicing record in possession
  • March 2019 - Handwashing sink unsupplied with towels or dryer, no smoking signs not posted in a clearly visible location, outside openings not protected against the entrance of insects. Surfaces contacting food not cleaned in equipment such as ice bins, ice makers, beverage dispensing nozzles, cooking oil storage tanks, beverage and syrup dispensing lines, coffee bean grinders and water vending equipment. Inspectors say the frequency of cleaning on these surfaces are not enough to prevent the accumulation of soil or mold. Inspectors also say the ice dispensing utensils need to be stored on a clean surface or in the ice with the dispensing utensil's handle extended out of the ice.

The week before Thanksgiving, people living near the Turkey Leg Hut filed a lawsuit claiming the restaurant is a risk to their health. The lawsuit alleges the Turkey Leg Hut's outdoor cooking area is illegal, and the smoke is a health hazard.

FULL VIDEO: Owners of Turkey Leg Hut respond to lawsuit filed by neighbors.

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