Houston ISD takeover: Rally at Cesar Chavez High School in opposition of TEA's action

Local leaders, community groups, parents, students and educators will attend a rally Friday morning in opposition of the state’s takeover of the Houston Independent School District.

The Texas Education Agency announced earlier this month that a board of managers would be appointed for the district. The application is open until April 6.

HOUSTON ISD TAKEOVER: Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath confirms takeover of Houston ISD

At 9 a.m. Friday, those opposed to the takeover are expected to hold a rally at Cesar Chavez High School. The district is closed for Chavez-Huerta Day.

Several state representatives, Mayor Sylvester Turner, the American Federation of Teachers president, and community leaders are expected to attend.

MORE: TEA meetings end with Houston community members in uproar

On Thursday, the TEA held its fourth and final community meeting to discuss the process for the placement of the board of managers. The meetings were met with turmoil and anger from some parents and community members.

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