Ways to help your partner cope with breast cancer

This breast cancer awareness month, we've been talking a lot about the signs and the symptoms of the disease. But what about the emotional toll the diagnosis has on a person? Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares ways to help someone you know cope with cancer.

5 types of post-traumatic stress disorder

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says if you’ve witnessed trauma, been close with someone who experienced trauma, or lived through a life-threatening situation, you may have experienced one of these five types of PTSD.

Is your parenting style toxic?

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says these five toxic tactics are damaging to a child’s mental health and get passed along to their adulthood.

Do you see your ex in your future?

If you are considering a relationship with your ex, how do you know if there is hope for the two of you? Relationship experts suggest you pay attention to the answers to these five questions.