Recognizing when to say 'yes' to marriage

Marriage experts created a list of over 50 points of consideration couples should pay attention to, but therapists agree that these five reasons constitute solid justification for saying "YES" to a wedding proposal.

Improve your relationships: Practice this 8-second rule

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini explains how you can minimize impulsive responses with a simple practice: take a slow, deliberate 8- to 10-second pause in the middle of your conversations, coffee breaks, or in traffic.

Six social skills children learn best at home

Children begin learning some important social skills at home from the moment of their first step and continue to build upon them for the rest of their life. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares six of those skills.

Don't ignore these pink flags in your relationship

Pink flags are common, especially in new relationships. Marriage therapists define them as gentle warnings that something is amiss between you and your partner; however, because they aren’t as well-defined or blatant, we push them out of our minds or find excuses to explain them away.

Can you be happily married and platonic?

The single difference between a platonic and traditional marriage lies in the absence of a sexual relationship. So is a platonic marriage for you?

Help, my parents hate my partner!

If your parents disapprove of your relationship with your partner, Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares suggestions to help you respond to and manage the situation.

5 ways to cool your mind in extreme heat

If you find yourself snapping at your children more often or engaging in more arguments with your partner, practicing these cool-down techniques will help you feel calmer in spite of the temperatures outside.

Drama personalities to avoid in relationships

No one wants drama in your relationships. But what if it's those you surround yourself with who are the problem? Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares five drama personalities you’ll want to avoid.

Real life relationship deal breakers

Real red flags in relationships are traits that destruct a partnership rather than stabilize it. There are many dealbreakers for every relationship, but Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini has focused on the five most common.

Mental health first aid for summer

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares six suggestions to help you reinvest in your interests and enjoy a summer of refreshing wellness.

4 characteristics of a great wingman

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says a dedicated wingman is a loyal confidant who stands by your side providing protective support without expecting anything in return.

Healthy relationships: Don’t ignore 5 green flags

Do you have a strong relationship that can stand the test of time? Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares five "green flags" you can detect in a healthy, committed, and honest relationship.

Celebrating Father's Day: What makes dad irreplaceable

Dads are irreplaceable in the lives of their children. In a world where the challenges of raising children continue to climb, psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares four assets engaged dads provide to their children, constituting their strong influence.

Couples vacationing: Investing in your marriage for your children

If you struggle with the idea of planning a vacation with just your partner away from your kids, psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says self-care and reconnection with your spouse while enjoying much-needed time away, actually helps you be a better parent and partner.