Texas Education Agency outlines options for adjusted calendars next school year

The Texas Education Agency has released new guidelines giving school districts across the state options for how the next school year could look.

The TEA says the COVID-19 school closures could have a devastating impact on student achievement and that students could potentially return nearly a full year behind.

Options for an adjusted calendar next school year could include starting earlier, more of a year-round model with longer holiday breaks, or ending later and adding 30 days to a traditional calendar.

Built-in remote learning time with staggered in-person attendance is also on the table.

They are also recommending six weeks of "intersessional breaks" in addition to the regular calendar, in case there is a resurgence of COVID-19. The breaks can also be used for remediation, acceleration or enrichment, and bad weather days.

Education leaders are considering the changes because the next school year is likely to include high absenteeism and other disruptions. They're also adjusting for learning loss during the school closures.

The TEA also launched a free test on their website that parents can give kids at home to help assess their progress.  It is optional and registration is open. Click here to register for the assessment.

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