Houston Astros World Championship Parade route and street closures
The Houston Astros brought home the World Series title and city is celebrating with a parade. The Houston Astros World Championship Parade and Celebration will be held on Friday, November 3 at 2 p.m.
The parade will cause the following street closures:
Parade staging closes at Noon
Lamar/Outbound Allen Parkway from Smith to I-45 underpass
Additional street closures at Noon
McKinney between Bagby and Smith
Walker between Bagby and Smith
Bagby between Lamar and Walker
Parade route closes at 1:00 PM / Parade begins at 2:00pm
Smith Street between Pease and Walker
Walker Street between Smith and Milam
Milam Street between Walker and Pease Street
Pease Street between Milam and Smith Street
Additional street closures at 1:00 PM
Inbound Allen Parkway at Taft
McKinney exit off I-45 South
Bagby between Dallas and Rusk
*Allen Parkway exit off I-45 South will be open