Breaking Bond: 21-year-old man free on low bonds for violent crimes against women sentenced to 7 years

A relative of one of Frank Njoroge's victims, who we will call Tom, isn't happy with just a seven-year sentence. But he says he's glad Njoroge isn't free and terrorizing women.

In February 2023, Njoroge was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to assault with intent to impede breathing.

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Harris County felony court judge grants $100 bonds to 21-year-old man on probation

"And a family member was so frustrated, because he had seven additional charges while out on probation," said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers. "Four of them resulted in him getting $100 bonds."

Njoroge was granted those extremely low bonds for violent crimes like kidnapping, aggravated assault, and sexual assault.

At just 21, Njoroge was already considered a career violent offender.

"He did some horrible things," said Tom. "Things humans aren't supposed to do to each other. He's a very sick person."

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We are not identifying Tom to protect the identity of his relative who's one of Njoroge's victims. There are other victims.

"A couple of others," Tom said. "He's terrorized a few of his family members also. He's not a stranger to this."

"He ended up copping a plea for four felony convictions, and the other four were dismissed, basically wiped into the others," said Kahan. "He got a pretty good deal, there's no way to sugar coat that."

Tom says he doesn't think seven years was enough time.

"Seven years means he'll be eligible for parole in probably three, three and a half years," Kahan said.

"I'll be right there protesting it, and I'm sure there will be others there too," said Tom.

Breaking BondNewsHoustonHarris County