The secret to a happy marriage is rooted in couple traditions

The secret to a happy marriage is never one thing. It’s co-creating something special with your partner over and over again. One of the biggest causes of marital strife is when couples stop nurturing their marriage. Happy couples do small, special actions every day for their partner.

The holiday season is the perfect time to create a new tradition for you and your partner. Below are some relationship traditions that will work nicely for the holidays. A successful marriage is not guaranteed from a vow; it requires the effort of two people working together to create something bigger than themselves.

1. Plan a candlelit picnic. The area you picnic in doesn’t need to be grand; it can be your backyard or a park. Having cheese, bread, grapes, and a hot drink adds charm and romance. Battery powered candles and soft blankets can make you want to cozy up closer to each other.

2. Choose a night to wrap gifts together. Couples who engage in doing something together for others feel better about their relationship. Wrapping gifts together can be fun and is a great conversation starter. It is romantic with background music and seeing your partner’s wrapping creations can be funny or enlightening.

3. Take an evening walk or snowshoe to see Christmas lights. Walking around the neighborhood to see holiday lights can be a tradition you will want to do every year. Plus, any excuse to walk arm in arm is a healthy one, so grab your partner and head out the door. Finish the walk with hot chocolate and good conversation on the couch.

4. Create a holiday bed and breakfast. Take an overnight to reconnect and be a couple again. Watch a classic holiday movie and enjoy a hearty breakfast with coffee and morning mimosas.

Traditions can be very powerful in a marriage when both partners feel valued and desired. Children who grow up in marriages where both parents took time to focus on their marriage learn what true love looks like, and that is the best holiday gift of all.

Houston's Morning ShowMaryJo Rapini