Using the word "heroic" when teaching about the Alamo defenders- What's Your Point?

This week's What's Your Point? panel, joining Greg Groogan in the discussion: Rick Walker - former Republican Congressional Candidate, Nyanza Moore -  progressive commentator and attorney, Bob Price- Associate Editor Breitbart Texas, Craig Jackson - Professor, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Bill King- businessman, columnist and former Kemah mayor, Tony-Diaz - educator and Chicano activist.

The State Board of Education will hold public hearings on Tuesday on proposed streamlined social studies curriculum standards and on new reading and language arts instructional material.

In a Twitter post on Thursday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott shared his opposition to political correctness in schools based on a Texas Monthly article titled "Should Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?"

Texas Land Commissioner shared the same sentiment on Twitter related to the Texas Monthly story.

The board meeting begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday in room 1-104 of the Travis Building on 1701 North Congress Avenue in Austin. There will first be a public hearing on the new instructional material, followed by a public hearing on the curriculum standards.

Texas residents can register until 5 p.m. Monday at to provide public testimony at the hearings on Tuesday. Based on the projected participation, testimony will be limited to two minutes per speaker.
