Turner's last "State of the City" address - What's Your Point?

Outgoing mayor Sylvester Turner, lauding his leadership over the last 2,830 days.

 This past Wednesday Turner transformed his final "State of the City" address into a retrospective on his time in office - highlighting among other things his reform of troubled city pensions and decision-making during multiple natural disasters.

 He also made this boast, "Instead of $160 million in the hole, we will give you a surplus of nearly $420 million." 

No mention of the hundreds of millions likely owed firefighters... Or the loss of massive federal COVID subsidies used to plug the soon-to-be-gaping holes in the budget...or the enormous water rate hikes Houstonians are enduring...or the shabby condition of city roads despite the billion-plus- dollars sucked in so far by the dedicated "street and drainage fee"

I could go on, but I'd rather hear from you.