The Texas legislature faces huge budget challenge in 2021- What's Your Point?


When lawmakers gather in Austin on January 12th for the 87th session of the Texas Legislature, they'll be staring two colossal issues square in the face; an on-going pandemic still killing off their constituents, and a once-thriving economy chewed up by the very same contagion,  robbing state coffers of at least $4.5 billion

That is a very big budget hole to fill, especially when the demand has collapsed for the oil and natural gas which comprises your inherent wealth, employs hundreds of thousands of your citizens, and generates impossible to replace revenue for literally every facet of government.

This week's panel, Mark Jones, Rice University political analyst, Sue Lovell, former Houston City Councilmember, Charles Blain, founder of Urban reform, Bill King, businessman and columnist, Jasper Scherer, Houston Chronicle political reporter join host Greg Groogan to talk about how our elected representatives are going to tackle this issue.

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