Texas Senate passes school choice bill - What's Your Point?

Taxpayers are either going to pay for some of these kids to go to prison (pause) or they are going to pay for these kids to have an incredible education opportunity that suits their needs


 Senate Education Chair Brandon Creighton made a pitch for "school choice" some saw as right on target, but others viewed as grossly hyperbolic.

Creighton was pitching a $500 million proposal to offer around 60,000 Texas students an $8,000 per year stipend to attend the private school of their parent's choosing.  Creighton claimed money for the "choice" would not be siphoned off from funding for public schools. Democrats weren’t buying it.

State Senator Royce West from Dallas commented, "What you are going to see members is a decrease in spending per pupil in public schools and an increase in spending in kids involved in voucher programs."

It didn't matter.

"School choice" passed the upper chamber along party lines - and moves to the house where it will be met with very heavy opposition.

What's Your Point?