TEA takeover is a done deal - What's Your Point?


Beyond the protest, beyond the allegations of political power play, beyond the finger-pointing and name-calling and complaints of disenfranchisement - this "take over deal" is done.
Justified or not - the Texas education agency exercised its authority and now controls all 274 h-I-s-d campuses where 195 thousand, mostly minority students, are delivered publicly funded education.
Recently Mayor Sylvester turner declared "if you take it, you own it".
I agree.
So, consider this, now the "proof of performance" calculation and review is no longer aimed at the demonstrably dis-functional locally elected board, but rather the state of Texas and its Republican leadership.
That means governor Greg Abbott and others in Austin have an opportunity to prove - they have the smarts, the strategy, and most importantly "the resources" to achieve what h-I-s-d and its largely left-leaning leaders have not... For year-after-year.   

More on the TEA takeover of HISD

Houston ISD changes location of 3rd community meeting

Very frustrated parents speak out at 2nd TEA meeting