Houston City Council approves additional funding to battle firefighters in court

Houston City Council approves funding to fight firefighters in court again

With an overwhelming vote by council to spend an additional half million tax dollars continuing the legal battle against Houston firefighters, first responders who haven't had a contract since 2014, and who recently fought all the way to the Texas Supreme Court just to confirm their right to collectively bargain.


 More recently, a nearly unanimous state legislature guaranteed firefighters who can't strike, the right to a speedy arbitration when a deal can't be cut.

Houston mayor's costly battle with firefighter union sparks controversy

 It appears the city is challenging that law as well...much to the disappointment of its sponsor State Senator and mayoral candidate John Whitmire.

 Mayor Sylvester Turner told the council if the firefighters were granted back pay and benefits for each of the years the impasse lingered - it would be a "huge financial obligation for the city".