Did your street and drainage fees go to street and drainage projects?- What's Your Point?

Hard words this week for Mayor Sylvester Turner from the editorial board of our city's newspaper of record.

 The Houston Chronicle called out Turner and his administration for "siphoning off"  roughly $24 million dollars a year from the voter-approved street and drainage fund - to pay for other stuff.

 The editorial board called the re-appropriation "a violation of voter's trust".

 That is because Houstonians have been consistently told all proceeds of the so-called "rain tax" were collected and kept in a 'lock-box" - to be used solely for pavement and flood control.

Back in 2018, our friend Bill King called out Turner's administration of the fund as "a complete fraud" - citing a sneaky, albeit legal, loophole which allowed the Mayor to use the "Re-Build Houston" money to fill holes in his budgets

What's Your Point?