A brutal week for Houston's outgoing mayor - What's Your Point?

A brutal week for outgoing mayor Sylvester Turner.

Exhibit A - the revelation that the mayor attempted to stick the taxpayer-funded Houston First Corporation with the $124, 000 cost of his "legacy" book.

 Our own Fox 26 contributor Bill King caught wind of what he described as a "vanity" volume.... And raised a very big, very public "red flag"

Less than 24 hours later and Houston First Chairman David Minceburg announced the organization would not pay for the book - in large part, because funds raised for the "state of the city" tribute luncheon had run dry.

 Which leads us to - "exhibit  B" - Turner's openly hostile and unhinged treatment of investigative reporter Amy Davis.

 I respect my colleague Amy Davis. She has always practiced journalism with integrity and courage....consistently unafraid to ask tough, but fair questions.

This exchange did not reflect well on the mayor.

What's Your Point?