5 methods for minimizing test anxiety in kids

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares five suggestions to minimize your child’s anxiety and help them feel test-ready before test anxiety becomes an overwhelming problem.

5 ways to slow down precious time

These five suggestions can help you slow down and experience the good times, amplifying your awareness of the preciousness of the moment.

Be you: 6 'flaws' that make you more attractive

While the research depicting attractive qualities is extensive, Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says these six traits consistently appear across surveys, and the reasoning behind the attractive flaw is sound.

How to use dating apps without sacrificing your mental health

It’s estimated 300 million people are on dating apps and believe it or not, users face three times the amount of stress than those whoa aren’t looking for love. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares more on the impacts these apps have on mental health.

How to fix romantic miscommunication with your partner

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says regardless of the length of your relationship or how well you communicate with each other, talking about your sex life with your partner can fall out of sync.

Save your relationship with these five love letters

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says love letters are an act of love, an illustration of their priority in your life, and one of the most romantic gifts you can offer for Valentine’s Day.

Your kids need a mom not a martyr

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says while we can’t change society’s pressure on moms overnight, but we can make changes within ourselves to reduce the load.