Tailgate party tips from a luxury event planner


This content was created in partnership with our sponsor, Royal Treatment Events. The FOX editorial team was not involved in the creation of this content.

Luxury event expert Carlo Joseph shares his tips on elevating a tailgate party. (Image: Adobe/Stock)

Throwing a party is always more complicated than you think it’s going to be – even a low-key event like a tailgate. But throwing a world-class shindig isn’t impossible. You just need time and the willingness to put in the work.

At least that’s what one expert believes – and he makes a convincing case. Carlo Joseph is the CEO of Royal Treatment Events, a luxury event planning company that specializes in bringing each client’s vision to life with unforgettable events.

"Everybody’s looking for the five-star treatment," Joseph said of his company’s work. "We want to make sure everybody gets what they want out of the event." 

Joseph has tackled everything from elaborate awards shows to intimate family christenings, and his full-service company is ready to handle everything from a multimillion-dollar gala to a graduation party down the street.

"If you really want to know the truth, preparation is the key to success in anything," he told FOX Television Stations. 

And that’s just the beginning of the great advice Joseph has to share. If you’re planning on having a few people over to celebrate the football season, here are seven fundamentals for throwing a great party from the mind of someone for whom unforgettable celebrations are all in a day’s work. 

Fundamental #1: Start as soon as possible – with everyone on board

Allow as much time as possible and be aware that the less time you have, the harder you’ll have to work. 

 "Time is invaluable," Joseph said. "The longer lead time, the higher likelihood for success."

But don’t start until you’ve got people on board. Who is helping you? Get everyone committed, nail down a date and a location, and then get to work on the details. And get invites or save the dates out ASAP!

It’s all about commitment and preparation. "Those are the two most important ingredients" in throwing a good party, Joseph said.

"A great planner is ready for anything." (Photo: Adobe/Stock)

Fundamental #2: Prepare for the unexpected

It’s tempting to plan for the perfect event – a plan in which everything goes right, without so much as a hiccup. But according to Joseph, this is a mistake. "A great planner is ready for anything.  This is why people hire planners -- they need somebody that's ready for the changes" that inevitably arise.

Don’t catastrophize but spend some time thinking about the things that might go wrong and plan for those things. And most importantly, go into the event with the mindset that you’ll need to pivot at some point. Flexibility is invaluable.

"You have to be able to look around the corner," Joseph said. "And look into the future."

Fundamental #3: Layout is everything

"Any party that’s going to be successful, it’s clear where everything is without a tour guide." (Photo: Adobe/Stock)

How often have you been to a party where everyone wound up crammed into the kitchen? This is a question of layout – an aspect of event planning Joseph says is key. 

It’s important to think like a guest when considering where everything will go, and how they’ll know where to look. An event is "like a journey," he said, and when you’re preparing your space, you’re also drawing a map. A good party is one that’s laid out in a way that’s thoughtful and intuitive – "and easy," he notes. It needs to make sense, cater to the needs of your guests, and allow for maximum comfort. Be thoughtful about space, seating, traffic flow, visibility, and so on.

If you’ve been to a haunted house, Joseph said, you know what a bad party layout can feel like. "You turn a corner expecting one thing and something jumps out at you. So any party that’s going to be successful, it’s clear where everything is without a tour guide."

Fundamental #4: When it comes to the menu, think outside the box

There’s a clear solution for anyone who wants to elevate the menu for their tailgate party: Hire a chef or catering company

"Their job is to take something simple and to spice it up," Joseph told us of professional chefs and caterers. It’s an upgrade that may be well worth the investment.

But for those who prefer to handle food on their own, there’s one key tip to elevating even a menu of basics: Get creative. Think about adding a twist, one small memorable tweak ("salmon burgers," Joseph suggested, instead of beef) that elevates the dish. 

There’s one key tip to elevating even a menu of basics: Get creative. Think about adding a twist, one small memorable tweak. (Photo: Adobe/Stock)

Or focus on creative presentation, like "carrot cake served in an ice cream cone," or on incorporating the décor and overall experience: "Maybe have the hot dogs delivered on a toy train. Something funny like that. Have fun."

Fundamental #5: Make time for a walkthrough

Most of us would probably think of the final deadline for throwing a party as the moment the first guest arrives. And that’s true, but a mindset shift can make your life a lot easier – and your event a lot more polished. The day of the event, Joseph said, is best left as open as possible; ideally, all you’re doing is enjoying the party (and handling the twists that come your way – see fundamental #2.) But the day before shouldn’t be a scramble either.

"Say we’re doing an event together on Saturday," Joseph said. "We’re going to want to do a walkthrough on Friday, simulate everything and see if there are any changes we want to make. So we get everything ready for Friday. Friday is for practice and execution."

Of course, not every event will require an elaborate walkthrough, and it’s possible in some circumstances that you won’t have access to the space until just before the guests arrive. But this approach to the calendar can make a huge impact – both on the smoothness of the event and your personal stress level. In short, work ahead!

Fundamental #6: Know when to bring in a professional

Not all parties are created equal – not even all tailgate parties. And sometimes the best way to throw a party you and your guests will love is to hire a professional. Event planners aren’t just hired for weddings; Royal Treatment Events, for example, has experience with everything from awards shows to post-game celebrations, for big corporations as well as friends and neighbors.

It’s a process about which Joseph is clearly passionate, particularly when it comes to working with the clients. Perhaps you don’t need a pro to help you with your tailgate for a few friends, but if you’re planning to really celebrate – a big game, a tailgate that’s also a birthday, or just an excuse to gather all the people you love in one room – it’s worth considering enlisting a pro.

"Everybody’s looking for the five-star treatment. We want to make sure everybody gets what they want out of the event." (Photo: Adobe/Stock)

"What makes Royal Treatment Events special is the way everybody's treated," Joseph told FOX Television Stations. "I treat everybody like kings and queens, with the utmost dignity and respect and excellence. Everybody’s looking for the five-star treatment. We want to make sure everybody gets what they want out of the event. From the Super Bowl to the Final Four to the NBA Finals, to your daughter’s graduation party or a wedding or a summer barbecue."

Fundamental #7: Remember why you’re doing this

Whatever you do, Joseph said, don’t forget to enjoy yourself. You’ve put in the work, and now the single most important thing you can do to throw a great party is have a great time yourself.

"At the end of the day, people just like a party," Joseph says. "It’s a celebration. It’s communities coming together."


This content was created in partnership with our sponsor, Royal Treatment Events. The FOX editorial team was not involved in the creation of this content.