Was That Fake? - dog cloned twice for Barbra Streisand

Was That Fake?    

Did Barbra Streisand have her dead dog cloned? The entertainment legend told Variety magazine that she loved little Samantha so much that she had her cloned not once but twice! Cells were taken from Samantha's stomach and mouth to make it happen. Streisand says she's anxiously awaiting for her new Samantha to mature so she can determine if they are similar.

Was That Fake?

Can you get in trouble for taking a photo of the Eiffel Tower at night? A post being widely shared claims that taking shots of the famous structure after dark is a major violation. This one is true. While the Eiffel Tower is public domain, the light show that begins after sunset is considered an artistic display, which is protected by copyright. Sharing an image of it without premission technically means you could be fined or sued. Odds of the group that operates the tower going after tourists is not likely, but now you know the concern is not falsified.

Was That Fake?

A headline says a  gay man nearly dies, sees the fiery pits of hell and decides to change his life around and become straight. The article claimed that happened to an Alabama man he suffered an electric shock. It is entirely untrue and was posted by World News Daily Report, a website noted as satire. The photo of the man is that of a suspect that law enforcement officers were searching for a few years ago, but that case has nothing to do with sexual orientation or hell.

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