University of Virginia student arrest investigation

The spotlight is back on the University of Virginia, after a controversial arrest in Charlottesville Wednesday morning.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is calling for a state investigation into the arrest of a black college student at the university.

This comes after the release of a photo showing 20-year-old Martese Johnson being held down by an officer with his face bloodied.

The university's rector George Martin is in shock by the incident.

"I can't imagine a situation that would justify the brutality that this young man has suffered. This is unconscionable," Martin said. " And, I just feel deeply, deeply sorry for him, his family and the rest of the students."

According to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department, agents approached Johnson after he was denied entry to a bar in Charlottesville. They claim Johnson was very agitated and belligerent, and that's when agents decided to arrest him.

But, a friend says Johnson wasn't doing anything wrong and that the officers grabbed him from behind and wrestled him to the ground. Johnson received injuries that required ten stitches to the head.

About a thousand students gathered on the UVA campus Wednesday night, demanding justice for Johnson.

They claim the officers' actions were unprovoked and extreme. Students are even calling this another case of police brutality.

"He's a good friend and I was very upset about what happened," said his Johnson's friend Csai Hill. "I wanted to see what the school was going to say about it and also just to show love and support."

The agents involved in the arrest are being restricted to administrative duties.

Meantime, Johnson has been charged for obstruction of justice without force and public swearing or intoxication.
