Prosecution rests in Hunter Biden federal gun trial

A week after the first American president, past or present, was convicted of a crime...the assault on the nation's sensibilities continued with the first child of a president standing before a jury.

 I am, of course, speaking of the case against Hunter Biden....a self-admitted crack cocaine addict who broke the law by buying a firearm during a period of time prosecutors say he was still "using".


 The Delaware trial faithfully attended by his stepmother Jill Biden has triggered wide-spread contempt at the defendant's depravity - which included coaxing the mother of his deceased brother's children into smoking crack as the two engaged in a short-lived romantic relationship.

 The question at hand is whether Hunter Biden lied on the standard federal form for purchasing a firearm - and the evidence strongly indicates he did.


 - Prosecution rests in Hunter Biden Federal gun trial

 The larger issue is whether it will matter to voters.