Help Elmwood Park Zoo name its newborn twin jaguar cubs

Courtesy Elmwood Park Zoo. These jaguar cubs don’t have names yet.

The Elmwood Park Zoo is asking for your help with its new baby jaguar twins. They’re about a month and a half old, and they need names.

The zoo reports both cubs are becoming increasingly active and “quite the handful” for their mother.

The cubs are a boy and a girl.

According to the zoo, “The female weighs almost 10 lbs. and has lighter coloring than her brother. The male cub weighs almost 11 lbs. and features a darker nose as well as a darker coat. The male cub seems to be developing his mother’s love of play and is the more adventurous of the two. The female cub is happy to follow her brother’s lead. Both cubs are very vocal and very healthy.”

They were born early Jan. 24 and looked a whole lot different back then! Their first-time parents are Inka and Zean. The zoo called mom Inka very attentive and doting, but “the cubs will not be introduced to their father due to the threat he poses to his young.”

We won’t be able to see Inka and the cubs in person until this summer when they’re ready to be transferred to the new "Trail of the Jaguar" facility.

Click here to email your suggestions for names. Entries must be received by next Wednesday, March 15, at 4pm.

Jaguars are considered a “near threatened” species due to the continued loss of their natural habitat.

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