Galleria residents concerned about crime attend meeting with Houston police command staff

We first reported on crime concerns in the Galleria area back on June 14. A week later, Houston Police Department Chief Troy Finner met with residents telling them crime in the area is on the decline.

But some residents say they've compiled statistics using data they've gathered through open records requests. They claim crime in the Galleria area is on the rise.

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The Galleria area, or District G, is one of the most affluent areas of the city.

Last June, residents like Robert Sherman, told us crime was out of control.

"I decided to make a fact based presentation on statistics from the Houston Police Department."

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According to Sherman's statistics, in the first three months of 2023, neighborhoods located from Westheimer to Buffalo Bayou and 610 to South Voss experienced 92 violent felonies, a 29% increase compared to 2022. 

Within a month of our report, two nightclubs in the Galleria area where the scene of mass shootings.

Last June, Chief Finner told residents crime was down. But residents, like Nancy Rutherford, dispute that.

"18 murders in a 12-month period in a three-mile radius," she said. "It's insane. No one feels safe anymore."

More than 200 people attended Thursday's Conversation on Crime in District G.

Once again, HPD commanders insisted crime in the area is on the decline.

"Crime overall is down," Finner said. "Let me preference that, if you were a victim of crime yesterday, or recently, you could care less about some stats. I get that. But as a whole, we are down in violent crime throughout the city."

GalleriaHouston Police DepartmentNews