Bond denied for man accused of murder while already out on bond
HARRIS COUNTY - 26-year-old Dornell Jenkins was free from jail on a personal recognizance bond for a felony charge of assault with intent to impede breathing.
"If you don’t know by now, that’s just a fancy way of saying you’re trying to strangle somebody to death," said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers.
On April 26th, police say Jenkins fired 16 shots at Denovist Hall killing him.
"And one of those bullets struck a 3-year-old girl who is fighting for her life right now and that case has struck the hearts of all Houstonians," Kahan said.
Helena Lane turned 4 in the hospital fighting for her life.
"We just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time," said Helena’s mother Martha Lane.
Helena’s parents Fredrick and Martha Lane are both deaf.
They spoke to us through an interpreter.
"She didn’t do anything wrong we were just outside," Martha Lane said. "I still don’t understand what’s wrong with people shooting up an apartment what sense does that make."
When Jenkins appeared in Probable Cause Court a magistrate gave him a $100,000 bond for the murder charge.
But before Jenkins could post bond 209th Criminal District Court Judge Brian Warren denied Jenkins a bond.
"Send a message to the 3-year-old girl send a message to the community," said Kahn. "When somebody’s already put on bond especially a PR bond and they’re charged with murder enough is enough."
While some judges like Chris Morton have publicly claimed they can’t deny a defendant bond Judge Brian Warren proved public safety matters in his courtroom.