Body removed after buried in wrong plot but questions remain
HITCHCOCK, Texas (FOX 26) - "How can you put the wrong body when you’ve got a gravestone, one that has a name and a date on there?,” asks Connie Carter. “It’s almost like he didn’t care what the headstone said, he wanted that spot.”
In an Only on FOX report brought to you on Monday, we learned how Marguerite Lamb bought a plot at Mainland Memorial Cemetery in Hitchcock in 1994 so she could be buried next to her husband Fredrick.
But after she died on May 11, cemetery owner Russell Lafoe discovered another body had already been buried in Lamb’s plot.
“Is that a family member?," asks Marguerite’s son Michael. "is that my grandmother? Is that my uncle back there? No one knows.”
Michael Lamb shot video of Lafoe removing the casket from his mother’s plot.
“He put some chains on that casket raised it up and put it in number 2 warehouse,” says Michael. “You’ve got four doors in that warehouse. He put it in the second one.”
“How are you going to get the body identified?,” FOX 26 asked Lafoe, who says he wasn’t going to disclose that or where the casket is right now.
Lafoe says the plot is now ready for Marguerite’s burial but her daughter doesn’t think so.
“A., it’s full of water and B., he can’t tell me whose body he took out of there,” says Connie Carter, Marguerite's daughter.
Lafoe says he’s only owned the cemetery for six years and says this is someone else’s mistake, but he will correct it.
“Even if we straighten this out, I don’t think I could rest comfortably knowing that my father, my mother, my uncles aren’t resting in peace, much less my husband,” says Carter.
Lafoe is adamant that nothing like this has happened before in the six years he’s owned the cemetery.
Meanwhile, the Lamb family is filing complaints with the Texas Funeral Commission and is asking Houston-area lawmakers to launch investigations.