Are you a soft target? Examining ways to make criminals think twice before victimizing you

With reports of recent assaults, carjacking’s and robberies happening across the Houston area; situational awareness is becoming more and more important.

Experts say being aware of your surroundings and not appearing to be a soft target could be the key to avoiding an attack altogether. 

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So how do you know if your situational awareness is up to par or if you are considered a soft target? 

It’s been proven that criminals are more likely to strike when they consider someone to be easy prey, but what does it mean to be a soft target? If you come across it that way, how can you change it? 

By definition, a soft target is a person or thing that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable and people who come across this way are an ideal target for criminals.

"The phone is probably one of the worst things that were ever made even though we can’t live without it, but if you’re going to use it why can't, you stand up against a wall?" said Officer George Guerrero, a 27-year veteran with the Houston Police Department. "That way you’re aware that nobody’s going to come behind you."     


Guerrero says cell phones make it possible for anyone to become a soft target these days. 

In the past, violent inmates have been surveyed and asked to pick people out of a crowd that they would consider easy prey. 

They made their decisions based on things like people’s awareness levels if they made eye contact, physical fitness, and body posture. 

Experts say criminals tend to steer clear of people who look like they may put up a fight or make a scene. And the good news is there are steps you can take to make yourself come across as a hard target. Houston police officer Amber Khan says one way is to simply change the way you walk.  

"I like to walk with purpose and just be really good with how I carry myself, not be so passive in how I walk," Khan said.

MORE: The number of murders in Houston have spiked this year

Self-defense instructors say if you do come face to face with a criminal who already has you pegged as a soft target, your best bet is not to be one.

"That’s when the surprise happens," said Joseph Pete, owner of Level 6 Krav Maga in Houston.

Pete teaches skills that the average person can learn and apply in a life-death situation; like attacking the hands and making it harder for someone to lift you off the ground.

"When it comes down to it if they end up being in your space, that’s when the self-defense comes in the more physical aspect," he said.


However, both Pete and Officer Guerrero say it’s important to remember that you should only fight as a last resort. And as soon as you see an opportunity to make a safe getaway, take it and leave your material possessions behind.

This story is part of a three-part series examining soft targets, including ‘does having a weapon mean you’re not a soft target?' and ‘is your home a soft target?’

RELATED: Are you a Soft Target? Analyzing why having a gun doesn’t automatically mean you aren't easy prey