Unpacking the first presidential debate - What's Your Point?

A small sampling of this week's presidential debate - during which the incumbent, Joe Biden, triggered full-blown panic within his Democratic party by delivering an unmistakable, cringe-worthy demonstration of his physical and mental frailty.

 It was not just a bad night on the debate platform...it was, for millions of Americans, "confirmation" of what many had witnessed over the past year in a string of lapses and gaffes by the 81-year-old whose physical and mental capacity is clearly in "decline."

It mattered a lot less than it should have, that former president Donald Trump made at least two dozen demonstrably false claims - because the eclipsing headline of the night was Joe Biden’s fitness to lead during the rest of term - and potentially, the four years to come.

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Biden and Trump clash over abortion

Former President Trump's assertion about late-term abortion was factually incorrect, as Roe v. Wade does not allow for abortions in the ninth month unless the woman's life is at risk.

Former President Trump just flat wrong on the late term abortion claim.... and... as it turns out, wrong on many more assertions made in this debate - a debate in which he could have easily coasted - on the strength of his superior vigor and his opponent's clearly fragile condition.


 President Biden also made "plenty" of false and easily refutable statements.

The sad fact is we could spend the rest of the hour unwinding the misrepresentation - so I’ll just ask - what did you find most egregious?

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Trump criticizes Biden on border security

Former President Trump highlighted the danger of open borders, linking it to crimes by unvetted immigrants.

Former president Donald Trump hammering away at an area of extreme vulnerability for the current resident of the white house given the millions of unvetted immigrants granted entry over the past three and a half years.

 Did you hear anything resembling an effective rebuttal from President Biden?