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Houston - Border sheriff:
Sometimes they'll run in tandem because one vehicle has illegal aliens, one vehicle is loaded with dope so what they'll do is take the vehicle with illegal aliens and they will interfere with the vehicle loaded with dope so that they'll start slinging the truck around so that they are trying to throw the illegal aliens out of the truck so that you'll have to stop and render aid.
Goliad county sheriff Roy Boyd describing the brutal, lawlessness enveloping rural communities throughout the state.
Governor Greg Abbott and Republican allies in the Texas legislature are responding with more than a billion additional dollars for border security.
Grants for underfunded local law enforcement, new jails for uninvited immigrants accused of trespassing, and hundreds of millions of dollars for strategic border fencing.
Host Greg Groogan asks the panel , these are state dollars being spent to do a job, many believe, President Biden and the federal government has all-but-abandoned.