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One Click Trip to visit Hawaiian volcanoes

Explore the lands most active volcano from the inside in Hawaii. Google Arts and Culture is offering a 360 panoramic view of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. As you enter you are in a rainforest surrounded by trees while standing on a bridge to hike to the lava tubes. The sounds of birds along with the running of water surrounds you as a park ranger explains about the ecosystem. Then users can enter the next tour which is the lava tubes and transports lava inside the volcanoes from the heart of an eruption. It can travels for miles and sometimes even reaches the sea. Which is where our next stop is at the Coast Cliffs where new land is added to the islands from lava that builds upon itself. The guided tour explains how the new lands effects the environment and attracts new species. Then the virtual tour continues on about a mile from the crater where lava is churning below. This part gets really neat as the site allows users to fly over an active lava vent. The site also gives a view of the 1959 eruption shooting fountains of lava or a second video to see the power of lava. https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/en-us/national-parks-service/hawaii-volcanoes