Texas power company seeks bankruptcy protection after winter storm

Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, which serves 16 distribution member cooperatives that cater to more than 1.5 million Texans across 68 counties from the Texas Panhandle to Houston, said Monday that it was a “financially robust, stable company” prior to the severe cold weather that hit Texas between February 13 and February 19.

Energy executive: Texas power plants turned off in crisis

The recent blackouts that left 4 million Texas customers without electricity and heat during a deadly winter freeze also unplugged plants that could have generated more power, which was urgently needed as the state’s grid reached the breaking point, the head of a major energy corporation said Thursday.

Problems with prescriptions during Houston’s winter storm

It was hard enough for many people to deal with below freezing temperatures and trying to keep their families safe, but a Houston-area doctor says there was another level of stress for many people who need important prescription medications.