Woman gives birth in Houston HCA Clear Lake parking lot

Laura and Ty Holloway thought they had plenty of time to get to HCA Clear Lake Hospital and deliver their 5th child. They were wrong! Nurse tech Audrey Valdez heard screaming; she and the hospital's rapid response team reached the couple just in time to help deliver their healthy baby boy, Ty Joseph. Mom and baby are doing well!

Bald eagle rescued after falling from nest

We’ve told you before about a pair of bald eagles that returned to nest at Paul and Elsie White’s Webster home every year. Thousands watch by web cam from around the world. That camera caught one of the two-and-a-half-month-old eaglets falling from the extremely high nest. Paul and Elsie had to act quickly to help the injured bird.

Webster eagles are expecting two eaglets

The Webster eagles are once again expecting. The pair returned to their nest in a tree in Paul and Elsie White's yard in early October. "Ma and Pa Webster" patched and reinforced their treetop home and then Ma laid an egg last Thursday and another one yesterday.