12 Days of Christmas - Day 7

Ruben Dominguez meets Ms. Harris and family who are Hurricane Harvey survivors who just got their house rebuilt and Sam Zavary is giving them new furniture to help fill their home

12 Days of Christmas - Day 6

Cimberli Darrough, Sr. Director Head Start at BakerRipley tells Ruben Dominguez about some of the programs available from BakerRipley for the Houston community,

12 Days of Christmas - Day 5 - Big finale

Ruben Dominguez wraps up Day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas with all our partners Chick-fil-a, Walmart and Exclusive Furniture and gives the Perez family a few more surprises

12 Days of Christmas Day 5

Ruben Dominguez chats with Julisa Patino of Baker Ripley about Day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas and how Houstonians can get help and provide help to make the holidays brighter.

12 Days of Christmas Day 4

Ruben Dominguez talks with Julia Patino from Baker Ripley about how the families featured in the 12 Days of Christmas were selected.

12 Days of Christmas - Day 3 Helping our community

Rube Dominguez talks to Julisa Patino from BakerRipley about some of the challenges in helping support people in need in our community during the pandemic. Baker Ripley is one of the partners of the 12 Days of Christmas along with Exclusive Furniture, Walmart and Chick-fil-a,

12 Days of Christmas Day 3 - Walmart Elves

The Walmart elves are celebrating the holidays and presenting the Jackson family with some special Christmas presents complete with all the holiday trimmings on Day 3 of the 3 days of Christmas