Mamas boys

Tonight's show explores the unique bond between mothers and sons. Our guests share personal stories about growing up with their moms, discussing special moments, advice received, and the impact their mothers have had on their lives. Join us for a heartwarming conversation about the love between boys and their moms.

Mothers & daughters: Smothering and all-knowing

For Mother's week on The Nightcap, we invited two mother-daughter duos, including Sunnie and Eva from TLC's reality show "Smothered," to discuss their uniquely close relationships. Oddly, both moms have done vajacials on their daughters on TV.

Derby Days and Cinco de Mayo in Houston

Houston is the place to be this weekend, and we're here to help you make the most of it! Tune in to The Nightcap for an unforgettable experience, as we take you on a journey of celebration and fun. First up, Carolina has the inside scoop on Derby HTX - a one-of-a-kind celebration that brings the spirit of the Kentucky Derby to Texas. And that's not all - we're also heading to Picos for the ultimate Cinco de Mayo celebration, complete with mouth-watering tacos and refreshing margaritas. Don't miss out on all the excitement - join us for a jam-packed weekend of festivities!

Women are still fabulous after 40

Being a woman of a certain age comes with wisdom, self-assuredness, and no time for drama! Carolina sits down with a fabulous group of women who, despite what society says, prove some things DO get better with age. Plus Navy Blue shakes up a Watermelon Crawl…a fun twist on a watermelon margarita.

Battle Of the Rainbow

Do gays and lesbians get along? Carolina hosts a battle of the rainbow to find out if there is such a thing as ‘bad blood’ between them. Plus, V returns to try Gay Water! Will the award-winning vodka soda pass the Vcan/Vcan’t test?

Music, poetry, and female empowerment

Carolina sits down for a heart-to-heart with the R&B Boss Alexis Finely. Alexis also performs her new single “Show me off.” Then our friend Cindy Burbano chats with Richelle Gemini, who performs her steamy poem “Wet.”

4/20 tips & prep

Liquid Marijuana cocktails, hemp for hair care, and CBD-infused steak? Yeah, that’s a thing! Carolina and her favorite Hustoners celebrate all things 4/20… the legal way of course!

Girls Night, dinner parties and midnight munchies!

Imagine you are invited to a dinner party, and the next day you get a bill! And is there such a thing as ‘too hot’ to date? In tonight’s episode, Carolina sits down with some girlfriends to discuss. Plus, girl dinner is served with The Peach Cobbler Queen.

How do you communicate in relationships?

Communicating in relationships is hard. Do you overshare? Is your tone off? How do you know if what you mean is what's being received? We've got some singles and Dr. Viviana Coles in the house to discuss. Plus, Carolina visits Makiin's gorgeous bar for some fantastic Thai cocktails.

Dating Disasters

When does a date go from bad, to worse to disaster? Carolina chats with two ladies who wrote a book all about dates that went completely off the rails… and will make you say ‘WTF?’

Men Under Pressure

Are men feeling a societal pressure to be ‘manly?” Are we setting unfair expectations about who they are, what they should think, and where they should be? Cindi Burbano house sits for Carolina, and she asks the guys the hard questions.

Weight loss drugs, should you take them?

Weight loss drugs are all the rage, but they are not created equal. Carolina sits down with some guests, including two former athletes, about why weight loss drugs were the best option for them.

Body Positivity

Sometimes it can be challenging to feel confident in your body, especially if you have gained some weight. However, on tonight's episode of The Nightcap, we are focused on spreading positivity and building up body confidence. Carolina explores new ways to feel comfortable and accepting of her body once again.

Boss Women

It's that time of the year again! Women's History Month is in full swing, and we just had to celebrate it with some truly inspiring boss babes! These women are killing it in the business world - as founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Our very own Carolina had the pleasure of chatting with them and learning all about what it takes to be a successful female boss. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by these amazing women!

Bodies after weight loss

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with our bodies as they change. We often talk about weight loss, but we rarely discuss the unintended consequences that major weight loss can have on our bodies. On this show, our guests will join Carolina to talk about some of the obstacles that can arise after significant weight loss.

Friends with benefits vs. one night stands

Are casual sex relationships possible? And if they are what is the best way to do it? Our guests join us on the couch and discuss. What is a better situation friends with benefits or one night stands.

Women in male dominated fields

Carolina has some amazing female bosses joining her on the couch, and they're here to spill the tea on what it's really like to be a woman making it big in male-dominated fields. These ladies have some serious recipes for success, and they're ready to dish out some tips for all women out there who are trying to make it professionally. Get ready to be inspired!

Surviving the dating apps

Forget about roses and park walks, dating today is all about swiping left or right. Everyone's on dating apps, but what's it really like finding love in this digital age?

Blame it on the alcohol

"Is alcohol really the liquid courage that we all need, or is it possible to get a little too courageous? Join Carolina and her guests as they explore the wild and wacky world of tipsiness. They'll uncover the truth about whether a drunk man really tells no tales. Don't miss out on the fun!"