How to avoid holiday affluenza and put the heart back into the holidays

If you worry that you too are influenced by the commercial or materialism side of the holidays and gift giving has started feeling superficial to you, Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares five ways that will help you avoid affluenza and put your heart back into Christmas.

Do your friends inspire or drain you?

Are you enabling the drainers and spending less time with the inspiring friends? Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini discusses five types of friends that are best in small doses.

The cure for feeling "schlubby" and building desire

A new study finds desire is lower now than at any point since the start of the pandemic -- and there could be a correlation to how people feel about their bodies. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares tips to get out of feeling "schlubby."

5 reasons why people 'ghost' you

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini shares five of the most common reasons people ghost and shares advice for moving forward.