Progress of alleged Santa Fe HS shooter

Galveston County prosecutors and defense attorneys met in a closed meeting to discuss the progress of accused Santa Fe High School shooter, Dimitrios Pagourtzis.

Santa Fe HS shooter to have competency review, emotions brought up in victims' family

A Galveston County judge has called for another competency review for the confessed Santa Fe High School shooter. He's been deemed unfit to stand trial since killing 10 people inside the school in 2018. The mother of Chris Stone, a student who lost their life in the shooting, shares with FOX 26 how emotional this continues to be for her and her family.

New competency review for confessed Santa Fe shooter

A Galveston County judge has called for another competency review for the confessed Santa Fe High School shooter. He's been deemed unfit to stand trial since killing 10 people inside the school in 2018. FOX 26's Shelby Rose breaks down the arguments as well as reactions from the victim's families.

Judge holds hearing on mental status of Santa Fe HS shooter

A Galveston County Judge held a hearing for confessed Santa Fe High School shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis. The hearing focused on his mental status and whether an independent expert will be appointed to determine if Pagourtzis is competent to stand trial. FOX 26's Shelby Rose reports on the details from the hearing.