Arizona Gov. Ducey signs 15-week abortion ban into law

Gov. Doug Ducey signed Senate Bill 1164 on Wednesday, March 30, which outlaws abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. It mirrors a Mississippi law now being considered by the nation’s high court.

Texas abortions fell 60% in 1st month under new limits

Abortions in Texas fell by 60% in the first month under the most restrictive abortion law in the U.S. in decades, according to new figures that for the first time reveal a full accounting of the immediate impact.

In abortion rights debate, President Biden doesn't often use the word

President Biden insists that he strongly believes in the rights spelled out in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that are now under the direst threat in decades. But he barely even uses the word "abortion" and when his administration has been asked about what it can do to protect reproductive rights, the response has mostly been that Congress must write the landmark court decision into law, a strategy that is highly likely to fail.