Houston COVID cases rising this summer

Health workers across the country are seeing a rise in COVID cases. Dr. Linda Yancey, infectious disease specialist at Memorial Hermann, talks about the impacts on the Houston community.

Houston Humanitarian Awards this weekend

The Houston Humanitarian Awards are honoring Houstonians who exemplify kindness and make the city a better place to live. Co-founders Treveia Dennis and David Dennis talk about this weekend's event.

First look into Great Wolf Lodge in Webster

Great Wolf Lodge is opening in Webster, much closer now! Ruben Dominguez gives us a sneak peek inside before the grand opening, including their unique indoor water park.

Texans first in NFL training camp

The Texans are the first NFL team back to work, getting a head start at training camp where our sports director, Will Kunkel, is covering the entire action.

Backstage w/ Lady in the Lake

Lady in the Lake, a new series set in the 1960s, follows an investigative journalist solving a murder case, offering a backstage experience.