Importance of dental care | The Pet Pawcast

On the Pet Pawcast, the Houston SPCA provides everything you need to know about pets. Dr. Westbrook from Houston SPCA discusses the importance of dental care for pets and what to know about caring for your pet's teeth.

Horse care basics: Pet Pawcast

On the Pet Pawcast, the Houston SPCA provides everything you need to know about pets. This week, Dr. DeChant introduces us to Jazzy and explains more about basic horse care!

About the Houston SPCA Wellness Clinic

In this episode of Pet Pawcast, Houston SPCA's Wellness Clinic Coordinator Emily Phelps talks more about the clinic's purpose and how to keep your pet healthy.

The Pet Pawcast - Clear the Shelters

Join Dr. Westbrook from the Houston SPCA as she gives details about the national adoption event, Clear the Shelters and how you can help find homes for pets!

The Pet Pawcast - Horses

On the Pet Pawcast, the Houston SPCA provides everything you need to know about pets. This week, Dr. Westbrook discusses what you need to know about horses.

The Pet Pawcast: Adopting a kitten

On the Pet Pawcast, the Houston SPCA provides everything you need to know about pets. This week, Dr. Westbrook discusses what you need to know about adopting a kitten.