Parent to Parent: 'Momfluencers' help share authentic moments of parenting

The popularity of "momfluencers" keeps rising. They are mothers who share moments of motherhood on social media like Instagram.

Lauren Giesting is a mom of three kiddos and understands the ups and downs of trying to parent.

"Majority of time as a mom, you are constantly questioning if you are doing things correctly. There’s a book for everything out there, but when you are on Instagram you can see the day-to-day of someone’s life and what is working for people," said Giesting.


They’ve helped her, and she became one herself after this post of an easy homemade bedtime chart that got more than 73 million views!

"It’s visual so there are pictures, they flip it up once it is done so there’s a checkmark to show that it is done. That is the best part, to know the satisfaction that they completed the task," she said. "Knowing that this bedtime chart worked, my husband and I were just amazed by it and I am like I have to post this, I have to share with the network what is working. And when I did obviously, it is obvious the amount of people that struggle with bedtime. The fact that it blew up the way it did just shows that we are not the only ones that struggle."