Woman who saw Syrian refugee family on Fox 26 donates gifts

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Carolyn Crain had a meal with a family she met for the first time, since seeing their story on Fox 26.

“I was watching Fox one night, and I saw this story and, really, I was just amazed,” said Crain.

That story was about a Syrian refugee living in Houston with his pregnant wife, and their three children.  After experiencing repeated torture under the regime of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad, who had murdered several of their relatives, they left Syria.  They remain in danger, and their faces can’t be shown.

“I thought, I've got to help these people if I can,” said Crain.

Help them she did.  She shopped up a storm, buying clothing, toiletries, baby gifts for their future newborn, and other basic necessities.  She also donated gift cards, for a total of a thousand dollars in gifts, to someone she didn't even know. 

“I hope it will help them realize that there are people in the world that do care about them, and want to help them.”

Amaanah Refugee Services coordinated the donation and the meeting between the family and their new friend.  Via a translator, the father said he's “very grateful, now, it's like humanity are being restored, that people he's never met before are helping.”

Ahmad Alaswad from Amaanah Refugee Services tells us having donors meet the people whose lives they improve is a goal of the organization.

Carolyn Crain hopes her act of kindness will be repeated. “I hope more people will see this and decide to help, even if it's just one family, or one person.  It’s important.”