Woman captured on video stealing dog from family's porch

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Samantha Sanchez says she's never seen the woman before. A couple of her neighbors say the woman knocked on their doors and told them she was selling a television and jewelry. But she didn't have a TV or jewelry or a vehicle nearby. That woman was not selling, she was stealing and a little black Chihuahua named Emily had captured her attention.

Samantha and her three young boys were inside their home having dinner while the woman stole the family's pet off the front porch.

"We didn't hear no noise," explains Sanchez. "She was quiet, she tapped, but nobody could hear that."

Every move the woman made is all on surveillance video and you can see her plain as day. Anyone who knows this woman will recognize her.

What would Sanchez say to her?

"For her to bring me back my dog," adds Sanchez. "My three year-old takes her everywhere, she's so tiny."'

Police say "dognappings" are becoming a common crime.

"In about the past six months, we've had four dogs stolen in the Baytown area," says Baytown Police Lieutenant Steve Dorris.

Police say those thefts don't appear to be connected.

"These animals are pretty expensive a couple of our cases, one was worth 8, 9 hundred dollars, the other was worth several thousands of dollars."

Emily isn't worth that kind of money, but to three young boys, she's priceless.

"They actually cried themselves to sleep last night," says Sanchez. "They want their Emily back."

If you recognize the woman, please contact the Harris County Sheriff's Office.