Where to get COVID-19 vaccine in the Houston area
HOUSTON - The COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed across the country and many in the greater Houston-area are wondering when and where it will be available to them.
On March 29, all adults in Texas became eligible to receive the vaccine.
People can get their immunization at providers selected by the state like hospitals, community clinics, and long-term care facilities.
Some counties and cities are also offering pre-registration links for when vaccine allotments become available.
There is also a free tool called Vaccine Finder that has the backing of the CDC. People can't book vaccinations through the site, but it will show them where coronavirus vaccines are available and when to help them avoid counterfeits and scams. You can visit vaccinefinder.org.
Below we go into more detail on who can get a vaccine and where they can go.
Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Many cities and counties in southeast Texas are referring people to the state's COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Locations map. People can see which facilities near them are offering the shot, along with details about their allotment of Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson doses.
Click here to find a list of vaccine hub providers across the state. You can check for appointment availability through the hub’s registration website or by calling if a website isn’t available. Do not show up at a vaccine hub without first signing up or checking the provider’s instructions for scheduling.
The new Texas Vaccine Scheduler helps Texans get scheduled for a COVID-19 vaccine at clinics hosted by participating Texas public health entities.
Register online at GetTheVaccine.dshs.texas.gov. You will be notified by email or text when and where to get the vaccine. If there’s not an available clinic near you, you will be directed to other places to get your vaccine.
Call (833) 832-7067 if you don’t have internet or need help signing up. Call center support is available 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., seven days a week.
Spanish language and other translators are available to help callers.
The Federal Retail Pharmacy Program for COVID-19 vaccination is a collaboration between the federal government and pharmacy partners.
In Texas, CVS, H-E-B, Sam's Club and Walmart stores are participating in the program. For more information, availability, schedules, and how to set up an appointment from each retailer, click on the respective links below:
RELATED: Walmart, Sam's Club pharmacies to begin COVID-19 vaccines
RELATED: 15 more Houston-area CVS Pharmacy locations to offer COVID-19 vaccines
Counties in southeast Texas are also rolling out COVID-19 vaccines. Some may be prioritizing certain groups. Many require appointments to receive the vaccine. Here is a county-by-county breakdown:
The county provides a list of sites that may be offering the vaccine on their website. Those who wish to be vaccinated should call ahead or register online before visiting a location.
Residents can also register to receive the vaccine at a regional SUBhub when appointments are available. Click here for more information.
The county posts information about available vaccine appointments on their website. Registration closes when appointments have been filled. Residents can receive notifications when vaccines are available by downloading the free ReadyBrazoria app.
Chambers County Public Health is currently one of six COVID-19 providers in Chambers County.
Residents can view updates on available vaccines on their website. Click here. The county has a link to a scheduler.
If the link does not appear on the website or isn’t "working", that means all of the appointments are booked.
Registration is online only.
Are you a friend or family member of a senior citizen or homebound friend or relative? There are many who do not have access to the internet or access to the vaccine POD site. If they would like to be vaccinated, please email vaccine@chamberstx.gov with your name and contact phone number so the county can arrange vaccination through their Mobile Vaccination Program in partnership with CC EMS.
Residents can register for the vaccine waitlist at https://www.fbchealth.org/.
Those who do not have internet access or a computer can call (281)633-7795 to register.
To simplify the registration process for COVID-19 vaccine appointments at sites around the county, the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston County Health District, and Galveston County are using a vaccine waitlist.
Those interested in getting a COVID-19 vaccine can go to utmbhealth.com/vaccine to register for the waitlist. The registration process will require an account to be set up and a series of questions regarding health status to be answered. A separate email address will be required for each person signing up. Officials say the information will be used to make sure the most vulnerable populations have the opportunity to get scheduled for vaccination.
For those who may not have internet access or a working email address, a phone bank can assist them with the waitlist registration process. They will be asked to provide an email and cell phone number for a relative or close friend to ensure they receive scheduling notifications. The phone bank can be reached at 877-389-2318 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Signing up on the waitlist does not mean you are scheduled for a vaccine appointment. What it means is that you will be contacted when it is your turn based on age and medical conditions.
Harris County Public Health is offering COVID-19 vaccine appointments on demand. Once you register, you will get a personalized email and text immediately to allow you to schedule an appointment that works best for you. You will be able to choose between available days and times, locations, and vaccines. If you are already previously signed up on the waitlist, you should have already received an invitation to choose an appointment.
To schedule an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine from Harris County Public Health (HCPH), click here or call 832-927-8787. The registration website is not compatible with Internet Explorer.
If you do not have transportation for your vaccination appointment, please contact the HCPH Vaccine Hotline at 832-927-8787.
FEMA Community Vaccination Center at NRG Park: Anyone in Harris County or the greater Houston area will be able to receive the COVID-19 two-dose Pfizer vaccine at the FEMA Community Vaccination Center (CVC) at NRG Park with or without an appointment. Although it is preferred for residents to register as it guarantees a vaccine is available at a time and location of their choice, people can show up, driving or on foot, at the NRG Park CVC to get vaccinated. Residents walking in or driving up into NRG Park without an appointment should enter via Gate 16A off of Main Street. Staff working the site are ready to receive and assist residents when they arrive. Starting Wednesday, April 21, the CVC hours of operations changed to 12 p.m – 9 p.m.
The Houston Health Department is offering approximately 9,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointment slots for the week of April 19, 2021.
Appointments are for first doses of Moderna vaccine, approved for people 18 and older. Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 is free, and does not require proof of residency, citizenship or insurance.
Approximately 1,000 appointment slots are open for April 19 at Bayou City Event Center, 9401 Knight Rd. The department’s four health centers have approximately 900 appointments open for April 19-21. Approximately 3,000 appointments are open at Delmar Stadium, 2020 Mangum Rd, for April 23-24.
On April 19 at noon, approximately 1,800 appointment slots open for April 23-24 at Rodeo Reed Parking Lot, 2098 Reed Rd.
The department will also host a targeted community vaccination clinic on April 21-23 at Mission Milby Community Development Corporation, 2220 Broadway St. Appointments are preferred but walk ins are welcome from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or until the site reaches its daily capacity of approximately 165 doses.
Two additional targeted community vaccination clinics offering a total of approximately 1,800 doses will be announced later in the week.
People can visit HoustonEmergency.org/covid19 to register for an appointment. Registration assistance is available by phone by calling 832-393-4220 or 832-393-4301.
Houstonians can secure appointments for Pfizer vaccine at NRG Park at ReadyHarris.org or by calling 832-927-8787.
Appointments are only confirmed upon receipt of an email or text message and confirmation numbers/QR codes will be verified on site. People who show up without confirmed appointments will be turned away.
Learn about new health department appointment opportunities through email, text message, voice call, or mobile app push notification by registering for the HoustonRecovers subscription of AlertHouston at AlertHouston.org.
New appointment opportunities may be posted throughout the week at HoustonEmergency.org/covid19.
Jackson County residents that would like to be placed on the COVID-19 vaccine waitlist, please click the link here.
When vaccines are available, the Liberty County Officer of Emergency Management shares updates on their Facebook page. Click here.
Montgomery County Public Health shares updates about available vaccines on their website at https://mcphd-tx.org/
They also encourage residents to check the websites and Facebook pages of Lone Star Family Health Center, individual hospitals, physicians’ offices, and pharmacies for information on possible vaccine supply.
They refer the public to the state's Vaccine Hub Provider List. Click here.
Residents can sign up for an appointment at www.etxcovidvaccine.com. Those unable to register online can call (936) 630-8500.
Who is Phase 1A?
First Tier
1. Paid and unpaid workers in hospital settings working directly with patients who are positive or at high risk for COVID-19. Such as but not limited to:
a. Physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and other support staff (custodial staff, etc.)
b. Additional clinical staff providing supporting laboratory, pharmacy, diagnostic and/or rehabilitation services c. Others having direct contact with patients or infectious materials
2. Long-term care staff working directly with vulnerable residents. Includes:
a. Direct care providers at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and state-supported living centers
b. Physicians, nurses, personal care assistants, custodial, food service staff
3. EMS providers who engage in 9-1-1 emergency services like pre-hospital care and transport
4. Home health care workers, including hospice care, who directly interface with vulnerable and high-risk patients
5. Residents of long-term care facilities
COVID-19 vaccine: first Memorial Hermann recipients share experiences
Robert Luckey is a nurse who works in the COVID ICU at Memorial Hermann. He was the first person to receive the Pfizer vaccine at the hospital. Dr. Linda Yancey got the vaccine shortly after him. They tell us what it was like to get the vaccine and how they felt afterward.
Second Tier
1. Staff in outpatient care settings who interact with symptomatic patients. Such as but not limited to:
a. Physicians, nurses, and other support staff (custodial staff, etc.)
b. Clinical staff providing diagnostic, laboratory, and/or rehabilitation services
c. Non 9-1-1 transport for routine care
d. Healthcare workers in corrections and detention facilities
2. Direct care staff in freestanding emergency medical care facilities and urgent care clinics
3. Community pharmacy staff who may provide direct services to clients, including vaccination or testing for individuals who may have COVID
4. Public health and emergency response staff directly involved in administration of COVID testing and vaccinations
5. Last responders who provide mortuary or death services to decedents with COVID-19. Includes:
a. Embalmers and funeral home workers who have direct contact with decedents
b. Medical examiners and other medical certifiers who have direct contact with decedents
6. School nurses who provide health care to students and teachers
CVS will administer COVID-19 vaccines in long-term care facilities
CVS will start this process on December 28 in more than 2,000 skilled nursing and assisted living facilities in Texas.
Who is Phase 1B?
• People 65 years of age and older
• People 16 years of age and older with at least one chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19, such as but not limited to:
• Cancer
• Chronic kidney disease
• COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
• Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies
• Solid-organ transplantation
• Obesity and severe obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher)
• Pregnancy
• Sickle cell disease
• Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Who is Phase 1C?
• People 50 to 64 years of age
School and Licensed Child Care Personnel:
With the federal directive, the following education and child care personnel are now eligible to be vaccinated in Texas:
• Those who work in pre-primary, primary, and secondary schools;
• Head Start and Early Head Start programs (including teachers, staff, and bus drivers); and
• Those who work as or for licensed child care providers, including center-based and family care providers.
Additional information for educators and school staff is available in the Texas Education Agency (TEA) K-12 COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ.
All adults eligible on March 29
All adults will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Texas beginning Monday, March 29.
DSHS has directed vaccine providers to prioritize people 80 years old or older when scheduling appointments and accommodate anyone in that age group who presents for vaccination, whether or not they have an appointment, by immediately moving them to the front of the line. That will ensure vaccination of anyone 80 or older with as small a burden on themselves as possible.
Texas opening COVID-19 vaccines to all adults on March 29
All adults will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Texas beginning Monday, March 29.
Beware of vaccine scams
Authorities say scammers are already pretending to have the COVID-19 vaccine and promising to immunize patients for a small fee. But, there should be no charge for the vaccine.
Vaccine providers, whether it be a doctor's office or hospital, will charge the federal government or a patient's insurance company. Providers cannot charge the person getting the vaccine.
City of Houston Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Persse says if the provider is not on Texas' COVID-19 vaccine providers map, don't go there.
How you can prevent COVID-19 vaccine scams
FOX 26's Damali Keith has more on scams that are being reported in connection to the COVID-19 vaccine and what you can do to avoid them.
And if you receive unsolicited calls, emails, or ads for the vaccine, they're likely scammers. The FBI of Houston says they aren't just after your money, they could be after your personal information. So, do not provide any of your personal information.