"We are Santa Fe Strong": Students return 3 months after shooting
SANTA FE, TX - Some students did come back to school after the heartbreaking mass shooting in May to finish out last year's school year. But not everyone did. District leaders hope that today, all the students will decide to walk through those doors on Monday.
When they do, they’ll see a reconfigured space. The district posted a special video online showing some of the changes. They created a larger area in the front of the school to house metal detectors and additional secure space before anyone can get further into the building. The district has 5 more full time officers, 10 officer assistants and 4 news trauma counselors. There will also be a dedicated person watching the security cameras at all times. They also reconfigured part of the school, so students won’t have to walk near the art room where the shooting victims died. That portion of the school will be off limits and construction crews created a new hallway to get students around the area. The superintendent also had a message for students and parents in the video, "In this tragedy, we have shown the nation and the world the resolve, resiliency, the compassion and love for one another. We are Santa Fe Strong"
Santa Fe High School will also have a reconfigured front area to accommodate the metal detectors, and the Art room area blocked off. New hallway will be added for students. The district has added an extra person to monitor cameras