Was that fake? - Royal Wedding edition
It's days away, and like any topic, it's led to headlines that people think sound kind of weird. In “Was That Fake?” we’re taking on the royal wedding.
Was that fake?
Is Meghan Markle's dad skipping the wedding because he's embarrassed over fake photos?
These photos show Thomas Markle looking like he's studying up on royal culture after his daughter's engagement, but the photos were staged. He tells TMZ that a paparazzi agency offered him some money to do what he thought were harmless photos. He even admits they're “stupid and hammy".
But the photographer allegedly made more than $100,000 shopping these pics to different places.
Is that why he's skipping the wedding? TMZ claims he told them he's ditching the wedding because he doesn't want to embarrass the royal family.
He has also checked back into a hospital for chest pain, six days after a heart attack.
Was that fake?
Is KFC offering a royal wedding deal? People are posting about the new "Royal Bucket" that's themed after the royal couple's engagement meal. Is it fake? Nope. It even comes with a commemorative bucket. But it's only in the UK and there are only 50 of them.
Was that fake?
Did a girl almost miss her chance to attend the royal wedding because she threw out her wedding invitation? This is true, but it was a total accident.
Carly is a huge fan of the show "Suits" that Meghan Markle was on before getting engaged.
She got an invite, but thought it was a scam when, in fact, she was invited. She's a volunteer youth worker, and one of six community heroes nominated to attend.