Was That Fake? - IKEA pregnancy test

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Was That Fake?

Does IKEA really want you to pee on its print advertisement? This story is being shared throughout the world. This one is true because the ad is actually a pregnancy test. If you're expecting, you won't get two red lines, Instead, you'll get a discount code. No medical professionals are endorsing this gimmick. The big question throughout social media circles is would you do it?

Was That Fake?

Will living in space make you taller? A headline claims a Japanese astronaut said he grew three-plus inches on the International Space Station. It's not really fake as it is more of a misunderstanding. After the astronaut posted on Twitter about the growth spurt, one of his colleagues questioned his math. As it turns out, the 41-year-old astronaut only grew around two centimeters, which Is normal as a result of the no-gravity environment. The astronaut has since tweeted an apology for confusing everyone.