Trump campaign files lawsuit seeking to void Georgia's presidential race results
Political analysis of the Trump campaign in Georgia
FOX 5 political analyst Lori Geary discusses the Trump campaign's role in the upcoming Senate runoff and the upcoming Electoral College vote.
ATLANTA - The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit in the Fulton County Superior Court seeking to void the results of the election on Nov. 3.
In a release Friday evening, the Trump campaign said the suit will outline what they claim is Georgia’s “failure to process and secure the ballots, failure to verify the signatures on absentee ballots, the appearance of mysterious ‘pristine’ absentee ballots not received in official absentee ballot envelopes that were voted almost solely for Joe Biden, failure to allow poll watchers meaningful access to observe the election, among other violations of law.”
“What was filed today clearly documents that there are literally tens of thousands of illegal votes that were cast, counted, and included in the tabulations the Secretary of State is preparing to certify,” said Ray S. Smith III, lead counsel for the Trump Campaign. “The massive irregularities, mistakes, and potential fraud violate the Georgia Election Code, making it impossible to know with certainty the actual outcome of the presidential race in Georgia.”
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The Trump campaign said they will present witnesses to the above claims and expert witnesses who will testify they identified “illegal votes: 2,560 felons; 66,247 underage voters, 2,423 votes from people not registered; 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes; 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state; 395 individuals who voted in two states; 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election; 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county; and another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification.”
“The Secretary of State has orchestrated the worst excuse for an election in Georgia history,” added Smith. “We are asking the Court to vacate the certification of the presidential election and to order a new statewide election for president. Alternatively, we are asking the Court to enjoin the certification and allow the Georgia legislature to reclaim its duty under the U.S. Constitution to appoint the presidential electors for the state,” Smith concluded.
The Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his staff have asserted on multiple occasion the election was the most secure in the state’s history and there has been no evidence of widespread wrongdoing that would change the outcome of the election.
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The lawsuit was filed the same day the state recertified the vote following a recount of the presidential election at the request of the Trump campaign. The recount showed President-Elect Joe Biden won the state by a little more than 10,000 votes.
The continued dispute of the election in Georgia has produced strong rhetoric and even threats from supporters of the Trump campaign. Sterling during a Monday press conference challenged President Trump and Georgia's two Republican senators, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, to denounce the violence and tone down the rhetoric surrounding this election season.
He said the “straw that broke the camel’s back” was a 20-something Gwinnett County contractor with Dominion, the company entrusted with Georgia’s new voting system, had a noose out in front of his home with his name on it after a video was posted online claiming to show him “manipulate data.”
Friday, another video claiming Fulton County elections workers added ballots to the count was debunked by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.
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